I'd like to hear from you!
If you would like to make an appointment or are interested in receiving information about a particular therapy offering, please feel free to contact me by filling out the form below. Please do not send private or confidential information. If you wish to discuss personal concerns, please leave a message with your phone number at 708-655-0063 and I will contact you.
By filling out the form below or leaving a voicemail you are under no obligation.

Individual Therapy Fees
The first appointment is typically 80-90 minutes long; this longer time permits us to discuss your situation in-depth. Regularly scheduled individual therapy appointments are ordinarily 50 minutes long. Portions of a clinical hour, such as 30 minutes, may be scheduled with children and are billed accordingly.
Initial Assessment (First Appointment)
Individual Psychotherapy (38 to 52 min)
Individual Psychotherapy (53 to 60 min)
Health & Behavior Intervention (per 15 minutes)
Phone calls (clinical, 21-30 min)
96156, 96158
Psychotherapy Fees
Session Lengths and Pricing
Group Therapy Fees
​Groups usually span from 50 to 90 minutes, depending on the design of the group experience. Children’s groups are of shorter duration, about 30 to 45 minutes.
Group Therapy
Family Psychotherapy (50+ min)
Couples Psychotherapy (50+ min)
​Health & Behavior Intervention (per 15 minutes)
90849, 90853
90846, 90847
96153, 96154
Evaluation Services Fees
Psychological evaluations typically requires multiple appointments including interviews with the parent(s)/caregiver(s). The total number of hours to complete a report will vary, and we will discuss an estimate at our initial visit. Face-to-face cognitive ability testing typically takes 3-4 hours. When additional concerns such as memory and/or attention are at play, more time is required for testing and interpretation of the data. Total time of test administration, interpretation, report writing, and feedback is usually 12 to 15 hours. Depending on the child’s age, face-to-face appointments will be scheduled in one to 1 1/2 hour blocks. Psycho-educational evaluation fees are usually an all-inclusive flat rate between $2500 to $3000.
Psychological Evaluation Services (60 min)
Preparation of Patient’s Reports (60 min)
Expert Testimony Fees
​Expert testimony fees are calculated on an hourly basis for all services (unless otherwise agreed upon). Billable clinical hours include psychological evaluation services, travel time, preparation time with attorneys, and direct testimony in court.
Expert Testimony
Before arriving at your first session, please take the time to print and fill out the following forms.